This project is a collaboration between The Lighting Lab and Lupin House Animation as part of a mentorship program by Iván M. Benítez. I was responsible for appropriately setting shaders for the animation, lighting, rendering, and compositing. I explored the idea of pushing the scene's mysterious mood through lighting.
Key Light Reference
I emphasized some key elements that helped achieve the mysterious atmosphere feeling I was going for in this particular animated scene. Like high contrast, limited lighting, use of cooler tones, haze, and backlighting.
Tasks for the project:
Make the room's atmosphere feel mysterious through lighting techniques.
Have cooler tones in contrast with the main character’s hair.
Concel the details of the main character until she was closer to the camera.
Create a scene with a cinematic look.
Animation by Brian R. Martinez
Responsible for: Shading, lighting, rendering, and compositing.
Software used: Maya, Arnold Renderer, and NUKE.